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Which kind of reusable water bottle is best? We asked the experts.

Reusable water bottles can save carbon emissions and avoid plastic waste, but the material they’re made from can affect your health and the environment

Which kind of reusable water bottle is best? We asked the experts.

Reusable water bottles are having a moment, thanks, in part, to the viral thirst for stainless steel Stanley tumblers.


Drinking from a reusable bottle is likely to be healthier, more sustainable and, in the long run, cheaper than buying endless packs of disposable water bottles. That’s because the water in single-use bottles is chock-full of microplastics, and the bottles themselves are rarely recycled, often winding up in landfills or clogging waterways.


10 steps you can take to lower your carbon footprint


Over the years, the status of “it” bottle has changed hands between plastic Nalgene and steel S’well and Hydroflask. So which of these materials is the best choice for the health- or environmentally conscious hydrator?


We asked a group of health and sustainability experts to find out.


Comparing carbon footprints


Making a reusable water bottle doesn’t produce many carbon emissions, but plastic creates fewer emissions than glass and metal, according to Marcial Vargas-González, the science and innovation lead at the environmental sustainability consultancy Quantis.


“If we’re looking at the carbon footprint of these different types of reusable water bottles, almost systematically, the plastic option will come up on top,” he said.


The plastic that reusable bottles are made from is light and flexible at relatively low temperatures, meaning it takes less energy to mold and manufacture plastic bottles than bottles made from glass, aluminum or steel. If manufacturers use virgin, non-recycled materials, aluminum is the biggest emitter, followed by steel and glass, according to Vargas-González.


But plastic’s emissions advantage is tiny — equivalent to dozens of grams of carbon dioxide emissions — and it becomes less important the longer you use the bottle.


“If you’re using this water bottle every day for two or three years, then in reality, the impact of manufacturing that bottle is going to be very, very low compared to the amount of energy you’re using to wash it if you’re using hot water to clean it,” Vargas-González said.


If you drink from any reusable bottle about 20 times, it produces fewer emissions than a disposable plastic bottle, according to Vargas-González. “At the end of the day, what really matters is how long you’re going to be using this bottle,” he said.


The health effects of plastic, metal and glass


Although plastic has an edge on carbon emissions, it has the worst potential health consequences.


The problem with plastic is that, unlike other bottle materials, it can leach chemicals into your water, according to R. Thomas Zoeller, a professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst who has studied the health impacts of plastics.


The main chemical scientists and health regulators worry about is bisphenol A (BPA), which mimics estrogen and can cause hormonal disruptions in humans. The Food and Drug Administration has said BPA is safe at current levels in food containers and packaging, but European regulators are considering banning it from food packaging after a new E.U. health assessment changed the level considered safe to be 20,000 times lower than the previous standard.


Most plastic water bottles sold today are BPA-free. But manufacturers have replaced BPA — a cheap, durable polymer prized because it doesn’t break down during manufacturing — with similar chemicals like bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF), according to Zoeller. These alternatives haven’t been studied as thoroughly as BPA, but Zoeller said he recommends avoiding them because the limited research published so far suggests these chemicals have similar effects as BPA.


“I would not recommend plastic, period,” Zoeller said.


He suggests using glass or unlined aluminum or steel bottles, which he said are unlikely to leach chemicals into water. Some metal bottles, however, have epoxy linings, which may contain BPA or its alternatives.


Regardless of their material, reusable water bottles can harbor bacteria, which can organize themselves into resilient colonies called biofilms. Biofilms stick to moist surfaces and protect the bacteria within from chemical cleaning supplies. Sometimes, they host bacteria or viruses that make people sick, according to Sapna Dass, an assistant professor of microbiology at Texas A&M University.


When you clean reusable water bottles — especially in a dishwasher, using abrasive detergents — you create small scratches on the inside of the bottle. “These crevices are a great place for microorganisms to hide,” Dass said. That’s particularly true when you drink from a bottle and add in some backwash, which provides bacteria with a feast of food particles.


No matter what kind of bottle you have, Dass suggests washing it gently with soap — not abrasive dish detergent — to avoid scratching up the surface. The results, she warns, won’t be perfect: Any water bottle material is likely to develop scratches over time and host microbes.


But if you’re picking a bottle to minimize biofilms, Dass recommends glass. Plastic, the softest bottle material, is the most prone to scratches. And metal bottles are opaque, which means you might not notice the gunk building up inside and forget to clean them.


Nicolás Rivero



Photo: quokkabottles

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