ESO, the first full service organisation for the treatment and recovery of office waste, provides for the elimination of any used material from your workplace in a simple way, respecting the environment and regulations in force.
Our waste disposal company will take care of all the phases: collection, treatment and start of the recovery process.
ESO specialises in the management of all waste that is generated from everyday office life: electronic equipment, high-tech waste, printers, consumables such as toner and cartridges, lighting elements such as neon lamps and light bulbs, mobile phones and mobile phone batteries, paper and sensitive business documents.
We operate throughout Italy through an articulated collection system at platforms located throughout the country for the treatment of office waste. The waste that is collected (used toner cartridges, ink jets, lasers, printers, neon lights, used toner) is taken to our treatment centres, where it is guaranteed to be appropriately recovered and recycled.
One of the peculiarities of ESO is in fact that it is a company that pays attention to environmental protection in all waste disposal processes.
ESO follows the principles enshrined by the European Commission in Directive 2008/98/EC (amended by the Directive of the European Parliament and EU Council 2018/851/EU) and Regulation 2014/955/EU which were transposed into law in Italy with Italian Legislative Decree No. 152/2006, amended by Italian Legislative Decree No. 205/2010 and subsequently by means of the Stability Law 2014.
Secret Paper®
With regard to the disposal of confidential paper and paper archives, ESO has developed a patented procedure: Secret Paper®, a service which manages the recovery, destruction and disposal of paper documents containing sensitive data, safely and confidentially and in compliance with the new GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679).
Suitable aluminium containers, designed to hold confidential paper documents and archives, CDs and floppy disks, are picked up and taken directly to plants specialising in the destruction of this type of material, in compliance with standards DIN 66399 (security level) and UNI EN 15713:2009 (degree of destruction).
The material, which has been rendered illegible, is then sent to the usual paper recovery processes at the paper mills.